10 ways to use Generative Fill to improve photos in Photoshop


The advent of Photoshop's Generative Fill tool has revolutionized the realm of image editing and the creation of derivative works. Harnessing the immense power of Adobe Photoshop's AI engine, Generative Fill seamlessly integrates Adobe Stock images into our own compositions, enriching our photo editing endeavors and unleashing boundless creativity.

Within this article, we shall delve into various techniques and approaches to leverage the potential of Generative Fill in Photoshop, enabling you to elevate the visual impact of your images to new heights.

1. Enlarge the frame for better compositionEnlarge the frame for better composition

The potential offered by Generative Fill to expand the frame is truly invaluable, particularly when ample space surrounds your subject. When faced with the constraint of a limited example size, such as 1,024 pixels on the long edge, utilizing Generative Fill to enlarge the frame becomes an ideal solution, as the intricate details become inconsequential in this context.

Simply use the Crop Tool in Photoshop to expand the frame and use the Generative Fill to fill in the gaps. 

 Select the background after cropping the image

Click on Generative Fill and then Generate (leave the text field blank) and see which of the three works best. If you need to use text to get different results, write a brief description, such as "red empty space", which is what the article used here.

                                                          Enlarge the frame

In situations like these, it doesn't matter if the resolution of the extended space is poor as there are no texture details, only the colors and shadows that the Generative Fill decided to add.

2. Remove unwanted objects and people

                                          Remove unwanted people on the beach

Abandon the conventional Photoshop tools used for eliminating undesired objects and individuals from your images. Embrace the convenience of Generative Fill, where all you need to do is select the unwanted pixels and click. In this particular case, the Lasso Tool has been employed to encircle the elements to be erased.

                                              Select all unwanted objects or people

After completion. Click on Generative Fill and then select Generate.

                                          The person removed from the beach

When using Generative Fill to remove elements, a helpful guideline to follow is to refrain from entering any text in the prompt, unless the desired results are not achieved. In such cases, you can utilize any of Photoshop's selection tools to make the necessary selection(s), and then proceed with Generative Fill and the Generate command.

3. Create Objects and People

                                                   Add objects and people

You can also create objects and people to add interest to your images. Just add as many frames as you want and type in the text box what you need.

                                                   Objects and people added

You should take the time to make more selections as resolution issues may occur. Use the Transform Tool to reduce the size of objects or people if the Generative Fill does not achieve the correct proportions.

4. Change clothes color

                                                     Change clothes color

You won't be able to change the color of the clothes your subject is wearing. It's an advanced feature that will probably come out after Generative Fill is out of Beta. But at the time of this writing, you can change the color of your clothes if you don't mind some of the actual clothes being changed as well.

                                                              Blue hoodie

Be careful to choose only clothes. Use the Brush Tool on the mask if you need to make adjustments.

5. Add the sky to the image

                                                          Add sky to photo

With Photoshop , you can replace the sky very easily. But with Generative Fill, you can really add the sky you like.

                                                           Blue sky added

Just expand the frame with the Crop Tool and use the Generative Fill to create the sky.

6. Add accessories like hats and sunglasses

Generative Fill makes it easy to add accessories like hats and sunglasses. Everything depends entirely on your imagination.

                                                          More accessories

In this case, the example also added jewelry and drinks on the railing. It's amazing how Photoshop even gets reflections in sunglasses along with precise lighting adjustments for each subject.

7. Changing expressions and facial expressions

                                                            Change of expression

What was once extremely time-consuming, you can now accomplish in minutes with Photoshop. You can change someone's facial expression with a simple text prompt like "smile".

Change your smile

The trick to doing this is to make sure to select more space than you really need to change the expression more accurately. That's because when someone makes an expression, there are other muscles used to create that expression other than the area of ​​focus.

You can also use a third-party plugin like PortraitPro to enhance your images after using Generative Fill.

8. Create reflections

                                                                Add reflection

You can create a reflection without having to enter anything in the prompt. That's because the Generative Fill takes into account the entire image. But if you want a really nice reflection, you may have to enlarge the frame by cropping to make room for the reflection.

                                                        Added reflection

This is another task that was previously only possible in Photoshop after going through several steps. Again, it only takes a few minutes with Generative Fill.

9. Blend two or more photos together

                                                        Collage photos together

You can seamlessly blend two or more images together using Generative Fill. Place the images side by side and then make a selection. The Rectangular Marquee tool works well for this.

                                                        Images are combined

This example also selected part of the sky after the original selection to add some clouds. Generative Fill also did a pretty good job of blending the foreground with different focal points.

10. Create an image from scratch

                                                    Create an image from scratch

You can use Generative Fill to create images from scratch. All you have to do is create a New Document in Photoshop and choose the size. Then add selections and create your image, frame by frame.

                                                    Image created from scratch

What Generative Fill can create in Photoshop Beta is amazing. Expect more control and extensibility in future releases.

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